18 August 2005

18.08.05. UK Govt Sustainable Development - Supporting Indicators

Editor’s note: I would like to draw your attention to this presentation of a collection of “indicators of sustainability performance” over time in the UK, as prepared by the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) of their Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The presentation is in two parts:

Table 1: UK Government Sustainable Development Framework indicators - offers a summary of assessments for the 20 UK sustainable development strategy Framework indicators. These give an overview of sustainable development and highlight priority areas shared across the UK. Clicking on the indicator name leads to a page with a chart/charts, assessments of progress and commentary. A smaller thumbnail chart links to a larger version in those cases where longer term trend information is available.

Table 2: UK Govt Sustainable Development - Supporting Indicators - identifies a further 48 (non-Framework) indicators, a number of which report on phenomena that are of direct interest to us here

I would like to invite your comments here on what you see and observe here. What is the message, conclusions that we should be drawing from this?


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