Sustainable Mobility: Seen to the Year 2030
Editor’s note: As part of our strategy over at the Journal of World Transport Policy and Practice, we are placing this summary introduction to the latest number here for your information and comment. To access the full volume all you have to do is click the above title. Let us know what you think of this, as well as any other ideas you might have for importing the journal and its potential impact on policy and practice in our troubled sector. Eric Britton
World Transport Policy & Practice
Volume 13, Number 1
Sustainable Mobility: Seen to the Year 2030
· Editorial John Whitelegg
· Abstracts & Keywords
· What goes up must come down: Household car ownership and ‘Walking for transport’ - Hazel Baslington
· Trends, innovative course settings and levers for mobility & transport:
· Seen to the year 2030 - Hartmut H. Topp
· Splintering the public realm: using local public space for corporate economic gain? - Fiona Raje
· Effects of pedestrianisation on the commercial and retail areas: study in
· Cycling for active transport and recreation in
· Travel in Inner City versus Urban Fringe of
At an international conference on walking in
The city of
Sweden on the other hand has declared its intention to become fossil fuel free by 2020 (‘Making Sweden an OIL FREE Society’, Commission on Oil Independence, 21st June 2006) This policy links well with its “Vision Zero” road safety policy which was introduced in 1997 and commits the country to achieving zero deaths and zero serious injuries in the road traffic environment. This remarkable double-hit will ensure that
of life and an exceptional degree of insulation from global oil supply problems and price increases. Australian citizens will find themselves living in a polar opposite world characterised by oil supply crises and prices of more than $100 per barrel. This is unnecessary and
At the international walking conference almost 400 people gathered to discuss best practice and to assess the multiple advantages of increasing walking and all modes of sustainable transport. The majority of the participants were Australian and there can be no doubt that if these people could be given a few months to sort out walking, cycling, health and urban design and planning in
It is increasingly clear that politicians are out of step with the needs and requirements of the age in which we live and that a major paradigm shift is needed to deliver urgent action on climate change, transport-related health problems, cities drowning in car pollution, children damaged by noise and deeply traumatised communities. A radical shift towards walking, cycling, and public transport and traffic reduction will deliver a huge part of the solution to all these problems and will create happier citizens.
This is the major challenge of the 21st century and we will succeed. The 19th century saw major world cities installing pure drinking water systems on a huge scale. The 20th century saw the elimination of the dreaded and dreadful sulphurous yellow smog that plagued
This challenge will involve setting maximum speed limits of 30kph in all cities and banning through-traffic from residential streets. It will mean reversing almost 100 years of car domination and returning streets and cities to people. It will mean that we pursue interventions of whatever kind that protect children, the elderly and the mobility disadvantaged, and we no longer tolerate noisy, intrusive traffic near our homes and in our communities. It can be done and it will be done.
John Whitelegg
Commission on Oil Independence
Walk21 - Walking Forward in the 21st Century
Abstracts & Keywords
What Goes Up Must Come Down:
Household Car Ownership and 'Walking for Transport'
Hazel Baslington
This paper reports research investigating the cultural determinants of childrens' travel. The 'diary sets' kept by 301 children linked travel with time spent on physical activity over one week. Parents completed a travel and exercise questionnaire (n=136) and some were interviewed (n=22). Car use for regular journeys and time spent walking is associated with the number of cars in households. Availability of a car can reduce walking for transport but may facilitate other exercise. Possession of two/more cars extends socio-economic and geographical boundaries. A bold policy measure advocated is a 'one car' policy for households.
Childrens' travel, mixed method design, walking for transport, multi-car ownership, 'one car' policy
Trends, innovative course settings, and levers for mobility and transport
Seen from the Year 2030
Hartmut H. Topp
We need innovative policies to shape the future of mobility and transport. Sustainable mobility in terms of ecology, economy and social justice is the goal, even though sustainability is poorly defined in the field of mobility and transport, and, at the same time, inflationarily used. Technical innovations in transport are often discussed, but we also need economic innovations, political innovations, social innovations, as well as, behavioural changes, because sustainable mobility can only be achieved by a broad range of measurements. We need new policies and innovative course settings, because laissez-faire cause undesirable developments, such as wasting fossil energy, climate changes and natural disasters through global warming, dead-end street of automobile dependency, urban sprawl resulting in high costs, unaffordable public transport in rural areas, macro-economic losses through congestion, environmental and health damage ... The list could be continued.
Keywords: Technical/economic, social innovation, behavioural change, sustainable mobility
Splintering the public realm: using local public space for corporate economic gain?
Fiona Raje
This paper provides an example of how conflicts between transport and planning policy and practice can manifest themselves in local communities. It discusses the building of a gated community on a deprived urban peripheral estate in
Key words
Gated communities, splintered urbanism, transport policy
Effects of pedestrianisation on the commercial and retail areas:
Study in
Santhosh Kumar. K, William Ross
Pedestrianisation of retail areas is a strategy commonly implemented in city centres. It has various impacts on the traffic speed and increases the quality of life for the people living, working and visiting the area of implementation. In addition, it also has an impact on the commercial and retail businesses in the area of implementation. The current study focussed on determining the effect of pedestrianisation on the retail and commercial businesses of
Pedestrianisation, Retailing, Liveability, Commercial areas,
Cycling for active transport and recreation in
Rissel C, Garrard J
Riding a bicycle is a potentially important but neglected form of sustainable transport that can also contribute to achieving adequate levels of physical activity. Despite the clear health and environmental benefits of cycling, there has been no systematic review of strategies to increase or promote cycling in
This paper reviews the available Australian published and grey literature reporting evaluation of strategies to increase or promote cycling (n=17). It identifies the prevalence of cycling in
This review has highlighted the relatively low level of regular cycling for transport in
Cycling promotion programmes, strategy evaluation, cycling research
Travel in Inner City versus Urban Fringe of
The Role of Neighbourhood Design
Soltani A, Allan A, Somenahalli S, Primerano F
Previous literature has found that suburban development is associated with the unbalanced choice of travel mode. The micro-scale aspects of the built environment that influence modal choice, however, have not been well-established. Furthermore, the majority of the literature is from North American or European cities, thereby less Australian context. Using a sample from
Keywords: Travel; land use; multinomial logit model;
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